Photojournalists as Agents of Change
Photojournalists acts as 'Agents of Change', it is as if photojournalist has this power to highlight issues and the hidden problems that the people don't have any information about. Photojournalist can share the information just by using photos to the media. The images and photos shared by the photojournalist can be the one that opens people's eyes and minds into specific problems especially the ones that everyone faced in everyday life.
Apart from that, photojournalist also acts as the 'voice', the one who speak up and show to the world about the other world people are living in, the ones who lives in war and bombed cities, poverty, country conflicts as well natural disasters. Photojournalists must have a good skill in taking good photos that shows the value behind it. The photos have to gain the attention and influence people's mind. This is because the photos taken by photojournalist acts to increase the awareness while delivering meaningful information in visual form to change ones perception.
Therefore, photojournalist is not an easy field, it is just taking photos, it has to take good photos that has its own sentiment and meaning behind it. Its a challenging field, physically and mentally. This profession can give a positive change in the world as James Natchwey said,
"For me, the strength of photography lies in its ability to evoke humanity. If war is an attempt to negate humanity, then photography can be perceived as the opposite of war."